Go to the Body


"Go to the Body" is a feature length sports drama that follows the story of a young Black couple, Sanaa and Kendrick. After Sanaa, a rising racial justice organizer, is sexually assaulted by a fellow activist, she tries to bury her trauma and return to her normal life. But when her boxer fiancé, Kendrick, pushes her to fight back, the couple must grapple with their conflicting definitions of justice, healing, and protection.

Writer/Director: Kyra Jones

Producers: Angellic Ross, Aimy Tien, and Sarah Minnie

Check out our Proof of Concept Trailer at www.gotothebody.com to stay up to date on our progress!

This film is partially developed as part of my participation in the Full Spectrum Features and Chicago Film Office’s Inaugural Producer’s Lab. You can learn more here.
